Welcome to the conference Presumed Autonomy!
During these four days, we will have eight keynote lectures and more than seventy paper presentations. All the lectures will be in the Aula Magna, while the papers will be presented in parallel sessions within each of the four thematic streams in one of four venues (see below). Please note that each presenter in the sessions will have half an hour for the presentation and discussion of the paper; we recommend that the presentations be limited to 20 minutes, in order to leave enough time for discussion at the end of each session. In the schedule below, the presenters are listed in the order they will present. It follows that the first presenter of a session starting at 11.30 will start at 11.30, the second speaker at 12, and the third speaker at 12.30. Similarly, in the afternoon sessions the first presenter will start at 15.45, the second speaker at 16.15, and the third speaker at 16.45.
Registration will take place at the reception in the Aula Magna. Please enter the main entrance by following directions from the underground (T-bana). As you leave the underground entrance you will find a sandwich board sign directing you to the Aula Magna.
The reception will be open for late registrations, but in order to participate in the sessions and get food etc. you need to register. Please note that your name tag is your identification card and your lunch/ coffee/ conference dinner ticket so carry it visibly during the whole conference.
Internet access: at the reception you can sign for an internet access card. This card will give you the access code to go online on multiple units and is valid throughout the conference and anywhere on campus. You do not have to return the card. Stockholm University also provide EDUROAM access.
Venues: the seminar sessions will be held in SPELBOMSKAN, BERGSMANNEN, POLSTJÄRNAN and the AULA MAGNA. All venues are located in the Aula Magna building, so please note that all references to “Aula Magna” in the session-sections (below) refer to the main lecture hall.
Coffee/Tea and Lunches will be served in the AULA MAGNA GALLERY, which is located one flight of stairs up from the big lecture hall. In the mornings there will be coffee or tea with a small sandwich and in the afternoons there will be coffee and cake. The lunch menu will is available here.
Tuesday May 10
08:30–09:30 Registration and Coffee
09:30–10:00 Welcome Address AULA MAGNA
Introduction by the organizing committee and welcome address by Astrid Söderberg Widding, Vice-Chancellor, Stockholm University.
10:00–11:15 KEYNOTE 1 Jane Bennett
“Figures of In-Fluence”
11:15–11:30 Coffee or tea with sandwich THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
Please note that this coffee break is only 15 mins. Coffee or tea, small sandwich will subsequently be served each morning at 11:00–11.30. The Aula Magna Gallery is located one flight of stairs up from the big lecture hall.
11:30–13:00 Session 1
Stream B:1 Theories of Aesthetic Autonomy SPELBOMSKAN
Stream C:1 Fields, Markets, Capital, Commodity and Autonomy BERGSMANNEN
Stream D:1 Autonomy and the Body AULA MAGNA
13:00–14:00 Lunch THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
14:00–15:15 KEYNOTE 2 Tim Armstrong
“Temporal Autonomy: Modernism, Virtuality and the Fork in Time”
15:15–15:45 Coffee or tea with cake THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
This coffee break is 30 mins. Coffee or tea with cake will be served each afternoon. Soft reminder: your name tag is your ticket.
15:45–17:15 Session 2
Stream A:2 Autonomy and the Avant-Garde AULA MAGNA
Stream C:2 Fields, Markets, Capital, Commodity and Autonomy BERGSMANNEN
Stream D:2 Autonomy and the Body SPELBOMSKAN
17:15–19:00 Wine Reception THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
Wednesday May 11
09:45–11:00 KEYNOTE 3 Lisa Siraganian
“Enumerating the Collage Aesthetic”
11:00–11:30 Coffee or tea with sandwich THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
11:30–13:00 Session 3
Stream A:3 Autonomy and the Avant-Garde BERGSMANNEN
Stream B:3 Theories of Aesthetic Autonomy AULA MAGNA
Stream C:3 Fields, Markets, Capital, Commodity and Autonomy SPELBOMSKAN
13:00–14:00 Lunch THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
14:00–15:15 KEYNOTE 4 Nicholas Brown
“What is Autonomy, and Why Does It Matter?”
15:15–15:45 Coffee or tea with cake THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
15:45–17:15 Session 4
Stream A:4 Autonomy and the Avant-Garde BERGSMANNEN
Stream B:4 Theories of Aesthetic Autonomy SPELBOMSKAN
Stream C:4 Fields, Markets, Capital, Commodity and Autonomy AULA MAGNA
Stream D:4 Autonomy and the Body POLSTJÄRNAN
Thursday May 12
09:45–11:00 KEYNOTE 5 Gisèle Sapiro
“The Concept of Autonomy: Approaches and Usages”
11:00–11:30 Coffee or tea with sandwich THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
11:30–13:00 Session 5
Stream A:5 Autonomy and the Avant-Garde BERGSMANNEN
Stream C:5 Fields, Markets, Capital, Commodity and Autonomy AULA MAGNA
Stream D:5 Autonomy and the Body SPELBOMSKAN
Alexander Nevsky (1938)”
13:00–14:00 Lunch THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
14:00–15:15 KEYNOTE 6 Peter Kalliney
“Autonomy and Decolonization in Anglophone Literature”
15:15–15:45 Coffee or tea with cake THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
15:45–17:15 Session 6
Stream A:6 Autonomy and the Avant-Garde BERGSMANNEN
Stream B:6 Theories of Aesthetic Autonomy AULA MAGNA
Stream C:6 Fields, Markets, Capital, Commodity and Autonom SPELBOMSKAN
Stream D:6 Autonomy and the Body POLSTJÄRNAN
19:00–22:00 Conference Dinner Restaurang Hjerta
ADDRESS: Slupskjulsvägen 28, 111 49 Stockholm
Friday May 13
09:45–11:00 KEYNOTE 7Jennifer Wicke
“Ecologies of Modernist Autonomy: Birdsong, Animal Spirits, Global Rising in
Luxemburg, af Klint, Joyce”
11:00–11:30 Coffee or tea with sandwich THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
11:30–13:00 Session 7
Stream A:7 Autonomy and the Avant-Garde AULA MAGNA
Stream B:7 Theories of Aesthetic Autonomy SPELBOMSKAN
Stream C:7 Fields, Markets, Capital, Commodity and Autonomy BERGSMANNEN
August Prize”
Stream D:7 Autonomy and the Body POLSTJÄRNAN
13:00–14:00 Lunch THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY
14:00–15:15 KEYNOTE 8 Chris Salter
“Alien Agencies: Resonances, Tissues and the Sensorium turned Inside Out”
15:15–Closing Remarks, Wine and Nibblies THE AULA MAGNA GALLERY